Enabling research that no other method than Versatile Thermoplastics Particle Manufacturing (VTPM) is capable of
This opens the door for research centers and nations to level the technological playing field and establish their sovereignty in certain areas of technology*.
The Gigaprinter is capable of printing from a very wide range of thermoplastics and composites.
Including stainless steel composite such as with these vases.
The ability to widely regulate the basic parameters required to create objects is very important for research into new materials and the creation of new objects based on these materials.
*Research and technical sovereignty
Sovereignty is important for any country. And technological sovereignty is one of the priorities. Depending on the type of technology, a country can be in one of three positions:
The technology is available within the country. It can be licensed. But restrictions may apply since the technology is not owned by the country.
This is the most vulnerable position, as it means maximum dependence on other countries. If, for example, any restrictions such as sanctions are imposed, it will be impossible to obtain such products.
This position is the most desirable – technological sovereignty is at the highest level. The country does not depend on other countries in the areas where it creates and develops technologies.
The country acquires technology.
The country acquires products created on the basis of these technologies.
The country acquires products created on the basis of these technologies.
Technological leapfrogging
As technological leadership remains a key success factor in today's world, countries that want to remain competitive need to invest in research and development.
Technological leapfrogging can provide a real opportunity for technologically young countries. But it also becomes a challenge for leaders - countries that aspire to technological leadership must be prepared to compete and constantly evolve.
In such industries as space or nuclear power, it is practically impossible to catch up with the leaders.
But there are areas in which it is possible to compete with technologically advanced countries, where they do not have such an advantage.
One such area is the creation and research of new materials for additive manufacturing, which make it possible to make complex objects with unique properties
Why the Gigaprinter additive manufacturing system?
Speed of research is important. Each material, including new materials, has its own individual properties, for which you need to match the parameters and combination of print settings. The larger the number and wider the range of settings, the more materials you can work with. The Gigaprinter AM system has the largest number and widest range of settings on the market (there is nothing comparable).
In addition to a wide range of materials, the Gigaprinter AM system has a large working area while maintaining high precision and top quality of printed product. And the ability to print two materials simultaneously allows you to create objects that cannot be created any other way.
Combination with other methods of manufacture also allows you to reach new levels of production.
This allows you to quickly create large numbers of types of unique objects for the purpose of scientific research, as well as further practical applications, which is the end goal of the research anyway.
The Gigaprinter AM system is an excellent tool for researchers, allowing them to focus on science rather than technical complexities.
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